It’s not a game.
It’s a revolution.
What kind of revolutionary
are you?
Everyone brings something different to the
escape experience,
and your team needs your
unique skills to complete the mission.

The Leader
You’ve always been at the head of the pack. You approach a challenge with an understanding of every kind of perspective. You take charge and lead fearlessly, with clear, concise vision.

The Guerrilla
You’re a fighter—but you’ve never been one to follow the rules. You’re not afraid to get your hands dirty to get the job done, and you’ll do whatever it takes to accomplish what you’ve set out to do.

The Scout
You’re naturally helpful, and put the needs of the group before your own. You’re the first to volunteer for the most dangerous tasks, and help collect crucial information.

The Artist
You approach everything creatively, bringing something to the table that’s essential. You understand the story intuitively, and inspire everyone.

The Scientist
You’re curious and intelligent, and work to solve challenges with all that you’ve learned. You have patience, logic, and a sharp mind for small details that may escape everyone else.
giving back
With every single booking,
we donate a portion of the cost to a nonprofit,
community organization, or charitable cause.
Total is updated every 5th of a month.
Let's do it!
Embark on a journey through our blog section, where we unveil the secrets and mysteries
of the
escape room world. Stay tuned!
Escape rooms are great for
Team Building
Because escape rooms reveal unexpected
leaders and secret strengths, they are the
ideal team-building experiences.
Team up because Escape Experience is
the #1 rated
Team Building activity in the world.